Product Description

Spartina bakeri - Cord Grass

Sporobolis heterolepis - Prairie Dropseed
Spartina patens – Salt Meadow Cordgrass
Native/Non-native –
Hardiness Zone – 4-10
Sun – Full sun
Moisture – Wet
Size – 1-3′ height
* Pollution filter for salt marshes
* Grows in thick mats with purple spikes
Category: Grasses/Sedges
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Quick Overview
Salt Hay Grass grows in salt marsh zones where it is covered at times by high tides. It supplies organic nutrients and shelter for small animals and birds in the estuary. Deep purple flowers bloom from June to October and turn brown in the winter months.
Salt Hay Grass grows in salt marsh zones where it is covered at times by high tides. It supplies organic nutrients and shelter for small animals and birds in the estuary. Deep purple flowers bloom from June to October and turn brown in the winter months.
Additional Information
Name | Spartina patens (Saltmeadow Cordgrass) |
Nursery Only | No |
Plant Height | 1-2 ft |
Plant Width | 1-2 ft |
New Offering | No |
Sub Category | Spartina |
Main Category | Grasses & Grass-like Plants |
Zone | 6, 7, 8 |
Wildlife Value | Birds |
Native | Yes |
Genus | Spartina |
Common Name | Saltmeadow Cordgrass |
RareFind Exclusive | No |
Rare Plant | No |
Catalog Category | Grass & Grass-like Plants |
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Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 3-9
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Moist
Size - 3' height x 2-3' spread
* Drought tolerant
* Burgundy foliage
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 3-9
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Moist to wet
Size - 4-5' height x 2-3' spread
* Stunning powder blue foliage
Native/Non-native - Non-native
Hardiness Zone - 5-9
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Moist to dry
Size - 3-4' height x 2-3' spread
* Reddish white plumes in late summer/fall
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 4-9
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Dry to average
Size - 3-5' height x 2-3' spread
* Blue green foliage
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 4-8
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Dry
Size - 2-3' height x 1-2' spread
* Tolerates poor soils
* Drought tolerant
Native/Non-native - Non-native
Hardiness Zone - 5-9
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Moist
Size - 3-4' height x 1-2' spread
* Cool season grass
* Late spring plume
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 4-9
Sun - Full sun to partial shade
Moisture - Moist, well drained
Size - 5-6' height x 2-3' spread
* Ornamental
* Upright cultivar
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 5-8
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Wet to moist
Size - 2-3' height x 1-2' spread
* Retention ponds
* Drainage ditches
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 3-9
Sun - Full sun to light shade
Moisture - Moist to dry
Size - 3-5' height x 2-3' spread
* Drought tolerant
* Bluegreen foliage
Native/Non-native - Non-native
Hardiness Zone - 5-9
Sun - Full sun to partial shade
Moisture - Moist to wet
Size - 2-3' height x 2-3' spread
* Red blooms in summer
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 3-8
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Moist to dry
Size - 2-3' height x 2-3' spread
* Drought tolerant
* Fine texture
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 3-9
Sun - Full sun to light shade
Moisture - Wet to moist
Size - 3-6' height x 2-3' spread
* Drought tolerant
* Naturalizer
Native/Non-native - Non-native
Hardiness Zone - 4-8
Sun - Full sun to partial sun
Moisture - Dry to average
Size - 8" - 12" height
* Powdery blue foliage
* Stunning accent plant
Native/Non-native - Non-native
Hardiness Zone - 5-9
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Dry to moist
Size - 3' height
* Attractive dwarf fine textured foliage
* Compact tight habit
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 1-9
Sun - Part sun to full shade
Moisture - Wet to moist
Size - 3' height x 1-2' spread
* Wetland restoration
* Retention ponds
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 4-9
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Moist, well drained
Size - 3-4' height x 1-2' spread
* Drought tolerant
* Blue foliage
Native/Non-native - Non-native
Hardiness Zone - 4-9
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Dry
Size - 2-3' height x 2-3' spread
* White plumes through summer
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 4-8
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Dry
Size - 2-3' height x 1-2' spread
* Blue foliage with orange fall color
* Drought tolerant
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 3-9
Sun - Shade to part sun
Moisture - Moist to wet
Size - 12"-18" height x 12"-18" spread
* Ground cover for restoration and erosion control
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 5-9
Sun - Full sun to partial shade
Moisture - Moist to wet
Size - 3-5' height x 1-2' spread
* Drought tolerant
* Salt tolerant
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 4-9
Sun - Full sun to light shade
Moisture - Average to moist
Size - 3-4' height x 1-2' spread
* Drought tolerant
* Burgundy-tipped leaves
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 4-9
Sun - Full sun to light shade
Moisture - Moist to wet
Size - 6-7' height x 2-3' spread
* Drought tolerant
* Bluegreen foliage
Native/Non-native - Non-native
Hardiness Zone - 5-11
Sun - Full sun to partial shade
Moisture - Moist to wet
Size - 1' height, spreading
* Golden variegated groundcover
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 3-8
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Moist, well drained
Size - 5-6' height
* Red orange foliage in fall
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 6-11
Sun - Full sun to partial shade
Moisture - Well drained, Dry to moist
Size - 3-4' height x 3-4' spread
* White plumes in late summer/fall
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 4-10
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Dry
Size - 3-4' height x 2-3' spread
* Showy pink plumes in fall
* Stabilization plant
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 3-10
Sun - Full sun to partial shade
Moisture - Wet to moist
Size - 3' height
* Fragrant pond
* Stabilization plant
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 5-9
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Moist to dry
Size - 1' height x 1-2' spread
* Drought tolerant
* Naturalizer
* Purple seed head
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 3-9
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Dry
Size - 1.5-3' height x 1-2' spread
* Drought tolerant
* Gray blue foliage
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 5-8
Sun - Full sun to partial shade
Moisture - Moist to wet
Size - 3-4' height x 2-3' spread
* River restoration
* Retention ponds
Native/Non-native - Non-native
Hardiness Zone - 5-9
Sun - Full sun to light shade
Moisture - Moist, well drained
Size - 1.2' height x 2' spread
* Dwarf plant
* White blooms
Native/Non-native - Non-native
Hardiness Zone - 4-9
Sun - Full sun to partial shade
Moisture - Moist to dry
Size - 8-10" height x 12" spread
* Cool season
* Blue-green foliage
Native/Non-native - Non-native
Hardiness Zone - 5-9
Sun - Full sun to partial shade
Moisture - Moist
Size - 1.5-2.5' height x 1.5-2.5' spread
* Profuse white plumes through summer
Native/Non-native - Non-native
Hardiness Zone - 4-9
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Dry
Size - 2-3'
- Persistent cloud blue foliage
- Drought resistant
- Ground cover
Native/Non-native - Non-native
Hardiness Zone - 5-9
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Dry to moist
Size - 3-4' height x 2-3' spread
* Works well in borders or masses
* Tolerates poor soil
* Drought tolerant
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 6-11
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Dry to moist
Size - 2-3' height x 2-3' spread
* Beautiful, showy large pink blooms
* Drought tolerant
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 3-9
Sun - Partial shade to full sun
Moisture - Wet to moist
Size - 2-3' height x 1-2' spread
* Retention ponds
* Drainage ditches
Native/Non-native - Non-native
Hardiness Zone - 5-9
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Dry to moist
Size - 4-5' height x 2-3' spread
* Leaves turn a beautiful burgundy color in fall
* Fine textured, compact grower
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 6-9
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Moist to dry
Size - 1-2' height x 1-2' spread
* Drought tolerant
* Fine textured
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 2-8
Sun - Full shade to partial shade
Moisture - Moist to wet
Size - 2-4' height x 1-2' spread
* Cool season
* Mounding bunch grass
Native/Non-native - Non-native
Hardiness Zone - 5-9
Sun - Full sun
Moisture - Dry to moist
Size - 6-8' height x 3-4' spread
* Silver-green blades turning golden bronze
* Great specimen for massing
Native/Non-native - Native
Hardiness Zone - 4-9
Sun - Full sun to partial shade
Moisture - Dry to moist
Size - 4-6' height x 1-2' spread
* Drought tolerant
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