Product Description

Dryopteris intermedia – Fancy Fern
Native/Non-native – Native
Hardiness Zone – 3-7
Sun – Partial shade to full shade
Moisture – Moist to wet
Size – 24-36″ height
* Evergreen
* Prefers cool environment
Common Name: Fancy Fern
Facts About
Evergreen wood fern is the only fully evergreen fern with a lacy (at least twice dissected) appearance, and its fronds are in circular clusters. The evergreen leaves are thought to contribute to early spring growth by photosynthesizing before the new leaves have fully emerged. Alternately, they may serve as above-ground storage organs for nutrients.
Alpine or subalpine zones, forests, wetland margins (edges of wetlands)
New England stateConnecticut,
New Hampshire,
Rhode Island,
Leaf divisions•the leaf blade is three times compound (divided into leaflets, which are further divided into leaflets, which are further divided into leaflets), or more
•the leaf blade is twice compound (divided into leaflets, which are further divided into leaflets)
Plant growth formthe leaves grow from a rhizome growing at or below the ground Spore-bearing leafletsthe spore-bearing fronds are similar in size and shape to the sterile fronds Sorus shapethe sori are circular or kidney-shaped Leaf stalk scalesthe leaf stalk has scales Leaf stalk hairsthe leaf stalk has hairs Leaf blade length25–50 cm Leaf vein tipsthe veins end in small round expanded areas, and do not reach the edge of the leaf blade
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Wetland Status
Usually occurs in non-wetlands, but occasionally in wetlands. (Wetland indicator code: FACU)
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