Product Description

Athyrium fillix-femina var. asplenoides – Southern Lady Fern
Native/Non-native – Native
Hardiness Zone – 6-8
Sun – Partial shade to partial sun
Moisture – Moist to wet
Size – 24″ height x 30″ spread
* Beautifully accented with red stems
* Partly sunny forests, streams, and pond banks
* Decidiuous
Species: Athyrium fillix-femina var. asplenoides
Common name: Southern Lady Fern
Botanical Pronunciation:a-THI-ree-um FI-liks FAY-mi-na
Plant type:Fern
Sunset climate zones:1 – 9, 14 – 24, 31 – 43
Average landscape size:Lacy fronds to 3 to 4 ft. tall and wide.
Special features:North American Native Selection
Foliage color:Green
Blooms:Does not flower
Garden styleAsian/Zen, Rustic, Tropical
Design IdeasA magnificent fern that fills out a shade garden far better than smaller types. Mass Lady Fern under trees where it’s too dark for other plants. Use in pots or in atriums where their primitive, lacy character softens other more sculptural specimens. Also ideal for disguising mechanical parts of fountains or where over spray keeps planting areas too wet. A natural in banks and slopes with seeps or springs and rocky outcroppings shaded by forest.
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